All Time Dance (alltimedance.com) is a website and database of information on dance and electronic music releases of all time, especially songs released from the 1970s to the present day. Having started its activities in January 2020 – that is, precisely in the month that marks the beginning of a new decade -, the site emerged with the objective of celebrating five decades (or fifty years) of dance music; and, simultaneously, electing the greatest works and artists of the genre through the All Time Dance Awards (read more here).
In other words, the project was created with the aim of making a retrospective of the best of dance music and electronic music, in general, from the 1970s to the years 2010; and, consequently, continue to follow the news of the world of dance floors in the following years, at the same time that it can inspire artists, DJs and producers for new works in the future.
All Time Dance is a project created and executed by Bryan Dance Floor and Kradyn Junior, both from Brazil.
Bryan Dance Floor
DJ, producer, journalist

Born in the state and city of Rio de Janeiro, Bryan Dance Floor began to manifest a spontaneous artistic inclination since he was a child, including sketching his first musical compositions. At the age of 12, around the beginning of the unforgettable 90s, he fell in love with dance music and electronic music in general. But he always listened to and liked other styles like pop, rock and R&B. At just 13 years old, he started working as a DJ. Throughout his adolescence, his greatest passions were buying records, listening to the radio and watching MTV. Later, he studied Social Communication and graduated as a journalist. In the same period, he started working as a music auditor in one of the largest radio music monitoring companies in Brazil. A few years later – more specifically in 2008 – he also started to work in the area of music production and remixing. As a producer, he has already released works that have become true visualization and praise phenomena on the internet, such as the megamixes of the groups Information Society (“Informix”) and Backstreet Boys (“Megamix 2015”), in addition to the mashup “Santana Vs Yves Larock”, which entered the Top 10 of several dance charts in Brazil and other countries, in 2008. Bryan also has in his curriculum several courses, such as English (advanced), translation, voiceover and TV production. As a journalist, he has also worked for several years in the internet area, with music sites. ‘All Time Dance’ is his newest project in this area; a project in which you will be able to unite and put into practice all your gifts and all your professional experience acquired throughout your life in different activities – activities that, in the end, can be summed up in just one word: music!
Kradyn Junior
Magician, DJ, businessman

Born in the city of Belo Horizonte (state of Minas Gerais), Kradyn Junior has been a magician since he was 3 years old. He has always enjoyed music in its many forms and genres. But the artistic exercise led him to get closer to musicality, since in 2004 he started working with software to assemble the exclusive tracks for his shows. The growing contact with music publishing made Kradyn a lover of DJ activities. From 2007, he deepened his skills, took courses to improve himself and emerged as a young DJ specialized in Flash Back, Dance and House. In addition to audio, their presentations combine lighting and music videos, making the audience have an unforgettable multimedia experience. As a magician, he has performed on several TV programs, such as Jô Soares and Xuxa; and he was twice president of AMI – Academia Mineira de Ilusionismo. He has been a speaker since 2005 and became a hypnotist in 2010, after several courses with renowned experts. Its curriculum also covers related courses, such as voiceover, theater and music production, among others. He also has experience with creating websites and producing music videos for the internet. His YouTube channel reached 1 million views in late 2019, driven by videos made in partnership with DJ / producer Bryan Dance Floor. In fact, its channel on the video platform has the same name as its production company, KJR Produções, specialized in artistic solutions and events. In 2020, the ‘All Time Dance’ website appears as yet another project in which Kradyn will be able to manifest all his artistic and professional versatility!
